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Lesson: worshipping

To me, worshipping is defined less by the act being performed than what is being conveyed by the submissive. While there are specific acts that I associate with worshipping, while powerful in and of themselves, their details are less important than the manner in which they are performed.

When I am performing a scene, whether with the “pomp” of a more traditional scene or lying with my submissive, my blinders go up. I focus solely on my partner. My submissive’s body, emotions, reactions, and sensations are all under my control. My efforts, my actions, my devotion is to the experiences I’m imparting on my partner.

Worshipping is the converse of that. Worshipping is the complete and utter devotion shown through attention to me. Worshipping is the visible, tangible demonstration of the devotion inherent in submission, the outward act that exemplifies appreciation of the dominant.

Worshipping is not about sucking my cock. Worshipping is not about earning my Gift, though it may culminate in that manner. Worshipping is not about having your mouth, throat, cunt, or hands used. Worshipping is about using your body and your focus to convey your joy in submission… your joy in having me for your Dominant.

What are some specific acts that aid me in perceiving our play as worship? My sub’s attention focused solely on me, on my cock, regardless of what is going on around her. The use of her entire body to convey desire for my touch and devotion to me. The relishing of the touch of my cock against her face, her chest, her hands, her ass, her cunt, or anywhere upon her flesh. The smile visible in the corners of her mouth as she admires my cock or looks me in the eyes as her mouth descends upon me. Taking the time to slowly transition through her skills to bring pleasure not for the hope of completion, but for the enjoying of giving pleasure. The feeling of my submissive’s cunt moving in concert with her body as it rubs against any portion of my own. My submissive’s attention to the detailed locations not just on my cock in which I receive pleasure: the sensitive areas around my balls, my nipples, fingers trailing down my chest, etc. But more than anything else, the look of pleasure and pride in my submissive’s eyes when her focus is on me.


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